Redmi 5 Plus Vince China to Global to India and Vice Versa

Convert Redmi 5 Plus Vince China to Global or China to India and Vice Versa withouth unlock bootloader.


Convert Redmi 5 Plus cina to global cina to india

Storage type: eMMC
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded)
Manufacturer ID: 0x90 (SK Hynix)
Product name: HBG4a2 (0x484247346132), rev: 0xA5, serial number: 0xC7990644
Manufacturing date: Feb 2018
CID: 90014A48 42473461 32A5C799 06442500
CSD: D0270132 8F5903FF FFFFFFE7 8A400000

platform: msm8953, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
 manufacturer: Xiaomi
 hardware: qcom, version: V1
 board: msm8953, name: vince [MEG7]
 brand: xiaomi, model: Redmi 5 Plus
 build id: N2G47H, version: 7.1.2 [Nougat] (ZQL1711-vince-build-20180122192401), mod: vince_global (MIUI9)
 build date: Mon Jan 22 19:23:59 WIB 2018, security patch: 2017-12-05
 build description: vince-user 7.1.2 N2G47H V9.2.6.0.NEGMIEK release-keys

soc(CPU):  Qualcomm Technologies, Inc MSM8953
memory(RAM): 3 GB
flash locked: yes
secure boot: yes (locked)
boot state: green
crypto state: encrypted (block)
boot serial no: c79906449905
serial no: c79906449905
boot region: global
rom zone: 2
boot hwc: Global,
rpmb state: 23
baseband version: 953_GEN_PACK-1.129634.1.131253.1
ril version: Qualcomm RIL 1.0
sim state: ABSENT,ABSENT
android id: 20369639747128cb
client id: android-xiaomi
bt addr: 00:00:00:fe:44:95
wifi mac: 0:0a:f5:12:64:14
imei[1]: 868209038****8
imei[2]: 868209038****0
region: ID
country: ID
language: in
locale: id-ID
battery level: 50%
Find Device info:
 locked: no
superuser: no

Redmi Note 5A SE Ugglite


Redmi Note 5A SE Ugglite

 MSM Serial number: 0x212a8316
 MSM HW ID: 0x000560e1 (MSM8917), OEM ID: 0x0000 (Qualcomm), MODEL ID: 0x0000
 OEM Public Key Hash: 57158eaf1814d78fd2b3105ece4db18a817a08ac664a5782a925f3ff8403d39a
 SBL SW version: 0
 Firehose: prog_emmc_firehose_8917_ddr.mbn
  hash: e167bc5a6c460aac63c2bf4f21c0d65b84ba8586, size: 372.39 KiB
  oem version:
  qc version: BOOT.BF.3.3-00214
  variant: LAADANAZA
 Loading firehose... Done
 Sending ping... Done
 Sending configurations...
  TargetName: 8917
  MemoryName: eMMC
  Version: 1
 Firehose configured.
Storage type: eMMC
Manufacturer ID: 0x15 (Samsung)
Product name: QE63MB (0x514536334d42), rev: 0x03, serial number: 0x00000000
Capacity: 14.57 GiB (15,646,851,072 bytes)
 Boot1: 4 MiB
 Boot2: 4 MiB
 RPMB: 4 MiB
 User area: 14.56 GiB(15,634,268,160 bytes)

platform: msm8937, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: Xiaomi
board: QC_Reference_Phone, name: ugglite
brand: xiaomi, model: Redmi Note 5A
build id: N2G47H, version: 7.1.2 [Nougat] (N2G47H) (MIUI10)
build date: Tue Jul  9 10:06:38 WIB 2019, security patch: 2019-06-01
build description: ugglite-user 7.1.2 N2G47H V10.3.1.0.NDFMIXM release-keys

Find Device info:
 user id: 1********1
 phone: +62*********17
 status: on
 lost mode: no

crypto state: encrypted

Storage type: eMMC
Card/BGA: BGA (Discrete embedded)
Manufacturer ID: 0x15 (Samsung)
Product name: QE63MB (0x514536334d42), rev: 0x03, serial number: 0xF2C36845
Manufacturing date: Feb 2018
CID: 15010051 4536334D 4203F2C3 68452500
CSD: D0270132 0F5903FF F6DBFFEF 8E404000

platform: msm8937, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
 manufacturer: Xiaomi
 hardware: qcom, version: D3-1
 board: QC_Reference_Phone, name: ugglite [MDG6]
 brand: xiaomi, model: Redmi Note 5A
 build id: N2G47H, version: 7.1.2 [Nougat] (N2G47H), mod: ugglite_global (MIUI10)
 build date: Tue Jul  9 10:06:38 WIB 2019, security patch: 2019-06-01
 build description: ugglite-user 7.1.2 N2G47H V10.3.1.0.NDFMIXM release-keys

soc(CPU):  Qualcomm Technologies, Inc MSM8917
memory(RAM): 2 GB
flash locked: yes
secure boot: yes (locked)
boot state: green
crypto state: encrypted (block)
boot serial no: f2c36845
serial no: f2c36845
boot region: International
rom zone: 2
rpmb state: 23
baseband version: 7_GENNS_PACK-1.136351.1.180278.1
ril version: Qualcomm RIL 1.0
sim state: ABSENT,ABSENT
fingerprint:  Goodix
android id: b1b7ecb5d5f7571e
client id: android-xiaomi
bt addr: 0c:98:38:82:62:d6
wifi mac: 0:0a:f5:0d:a1:14
imei[1]: 8681990377****1
imei[2]: 8681990377****9
region: ID
locale: id-ID
battery level: 95%
superuser: no

Root access denied!